This is a government project for my Participation in Government class. It's about Muslim women from all over the world. This blog will try to address questions related to Muslim women in terms of veil, society, Islamic dress code, and so on. "Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers." From the last sermon of Prophet Mohammad
She also talked about the political scenario and she said, “women had victories in the parliamentary elections, still, there are no women among the advisors to the president and there is now only one woman in the Cabinet.” According to my opinion, she is right when she said that women need to be part of decision making bodies otherwise men will be taking decisions for them. This is why it is very important for women to take part in decision making bodies since they understand women’s problems and they will be able to come up with better solutions for women.
About fifty taxis were developed with pink roofs, pink seats and interiors that gave them a feminine look. These taxis were sent to the places that are frequently visited by women. More than one hundred female drivers had undergone extensive training programs for continuing the service. During their training, they were taught the necessary skills of driving, customer service, and handling emergency cases. I like this decision of introducing taxis for women only. I truly welcome this new idea because it will be a safe vehicle for women especially when it comes to traveling at night. It will be comfortable for working women because now they can easily travel especially in UAE since there are so many working women in
It is awesome!!! I am happy that finally Muslim women are taking part in the government. It is wonderful to see Turkish women in well-known places and working as role models for young Muslim girls. They will be a great source of help because Gulsun Bilgehan is elected to lead a committee handling women’s rights, equality, domestic violence, forced marriages and the education of girls. It will be helpful because she will help improve women’s rights. It is a significant step towards Muslim women's liberation because both of them will play a big role in changing the status and lives of many Muslim women.