Muslim women will have to remove their niqabs (Muslim face covering) if they want to cast their vote in
However, in the beginning they were allowed to vote with wearing their niqabs, but now the public doesn’t want them to wear it while casting their vote.
Marcel Blanchet said that he was reversing an earlier decision that would have allowed Muslim women to wear their niqabs when voting on March 26, however the decision started a violent debate in
Quebec after it was reported in Montreal Newspapres.
The chief electoral officer's headquarters were “flooded with angry e-mails and phone calls, which forced Marcel Blanchet to hire two personal bodyguards and assign security officials to survey the building.” Some people of
Quebec warned to turn up at polling stations wearing masks. This prompted the authorities to reverse its decision so voting day could go on without having any trouble.
Quebec’s three main party leaders have urged Blanchet to reverse the verdict by allowing Muslim women to wear burqa to vote. I think that it is not a big deal if you show your face while you are voting because Islam allows women to show their face. It does not say that you have to cover your face. Muslim women are not required to cover their face. Their outfits must cover up their whole body, but hands and face may remain uncovered. So, I think that there should not be any problem with taking off their niqabs
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/quebecvotes2007/story/2007/03/23/qc-niqab20070323.html http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/EFatima_in_UAE_with_niqab.jpg
assalamou allaykoum- this is crazy why shouldd muslim women have to take their veil off in order to vote that's just wrong the should all be able to do anything as anyone else in the world. this is just wrong and it should not be put into proces.salam
ਦਿਿਦਦਪ ਦਿਿਤ
They try and put out the light of Allah with their mouths. However the light of Allah will continue to glow even if the unbelievers hate it.
Quran 61:8, as-Saff
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